With our Asset Allocation Calculator you can put in your assets to calculate what the weighted annual return is expected for your investments. To use, just input each of the different assets in your investment portfolio under the Asset Name column. Then in the weighted return column you would put the rate of return that you estimate that you would get for each Asset. In the Allocation % column you would put the percent of your portfolio for each asset. So if you had 25% of your portfolio allocated to Asset A you would put 25 in the 3rd column. All of the percentages in the Allocation % column would need to add up to 100 for the calculation to represent your entire portfolio. In the Total Row, the percent shown in the weighted return column will show the calculated expected weighted return of the entire portfolio.
Asset name | Weighted Return % | Allocation % | |
X | |||
X | |||
X | |||
X | |||
Total | 16.75% | 100.00% |